Friday 26 March 2010

Starsuckers DVD gets a release date

Starsuckers, the highly controversial documentary about a media obsessed by celebrity will be available for purchase on 12 April.

With Starsuckers Chris Atkins, the director of BAFTA-nominated Taking Liberties takes us on a fascinating journey into the dark underbelly of modern media, uncovering the real reasons for our addiction to fame and blowing the lid on the corporations and individuals who profit from it as well as members of the public that are duped by the media machine.

A covert operation filmed over a 2-year period, the film uses a combination of previously unseen footage, undercover reporting and stunts that fool the public and the media alike as well as animation to reveal the toxic effect that the media is having on all of us including our children. It also argues how truth has become a distant memory in some modern news reporting and presentation, and climaxes with shocking revelations about Live 8.

Starsuckers peels back the onion skin and reveals dirty secrets like:
- How much Simon Cowell pays publicist Max Clifford.
- What the PR guru does to protect one of his influential clients who enjoys sex in public places.
- Would you like to know what Samuel L Jackson, Clint Eastwood, Keira Knightley and Ralph Fiennes think about celebrity culture and their fans.
- how to make a quick £600 for a fake story that a reporter is too lazy to substantiate.

Previously unseen bonus footage available exclusively on the DVD includes tongue-in-cheek interviews with 50 Cent, Samuel L Jackson, Keira Knightley, Clint Eastwood, Emma Watson, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Chris Noth, Jennifer Tilly, William Moseley, Eddie Izzard and Ralph Fiennes talking and their relationship with fame and their fans.

Atkins's previous film Taking Liberties (also known as Taking Liberties Since 1997) is a documentary film about the erosion of civil liberties in the United Kingdom and increase of surveillance under the government of Tony Blair released in 2007.

Starsuckers DVD gets a release date

Expected UK release date of 12th April 2010

More info over here at or follow Director Chris Atkins @atkinsc99 for updates.

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