Justly picking up another Cannes Grand Jury Prize, Andrea Arnold’s follow-up to Red Road is an intense and surprising story of love, lust and family.

Fifteen-year-old Mia (Jarvis) is at war with everything: her family, her school, and the girls on her estate. Her one release is dancing, a passion that she practices in secret. Things change when her mother (Wareing) introduces charismatic new boyfriend Connor (Fassbender, Hunger) – but Arnold’s subtle and unpredictable script keeps us guessing as to just what influence the newcomer will bring to bear. Drawing a fantastically raw and yet immensely accomplished performance from newcomer Katie Jarvis, Arnold, who draws on her own background growing up in London’s East End, has crafted a potent and poetic British film that places her at the vanguard of world cinema.
Curzon Soho
99 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W1D 5DY
3pm, Sunday 13 October, 2009
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