Looking for info on Wanted I came across a couple of refrences to Watchmen. The on & off adaptation of the what is possibly one of the greatest comics ever written. The film was officially canned a while back but just to remind you what we were promised:
Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons create the Watchmen
Studio - Universal
Director - Terry Gilliam
Writer - David Hayter
John Cusack - Nite Owl
John Cusack - Not Nite Owl
Location - Czech Republic
Sigourney Weaver - Silk Spectre
Daniel Craig - Rorschach
Action - Filming to start 04 in prague
Director - Darren Aronfosky
Studio - Revolution Studios
Studio - Paramount Studios
Jude Law - Ozymandia
Simon Pegg - Rorschach
Director - No director
Director - Paul Greengrass
Action - Filming to start 05
Action pre -production kicked off
Location - Pinewood Studios
Marketing - Paramount launch watchmen.com

Joan Allen – The Silk Spectre
Marketing - Downloads available @ watchmen.com
Action - Filming to start late 2005
Action - Requests go out for props
Action - Filming to start July 2005
Location - No loacation
Studio - No Studio
Studio - Warner Bros.
Director - James McTeigue
Writer - None
Director - Zack Snyder
Writer - Alex Tse
Action - Screenplay almost complete