Jaysus, Dennis Hopper has this guy been involved in anything decent after "Easy Rider" and the the clever casting of Blue Velvet? He really makes it difficult to believe that he was the mastermind behind Easy Rider.
The "Americano" is more relevant for me now; as in July I'll be Running with the bulls, and I got corporate sponsorship for this gig, baby. Seems that the organisation are going to contribute to a team away day(s). So we can participate in the running.
Slight downer as apparently ladies cannot participate??!!. Sounds like a good chance that I may have to apply my learnings from The Bruce Lee School of Disguise to ensure that as many of the team can be involved as possible.
In discussion with people that have done the run previously, it transpires that my contingency plan of turning, facing the bulls, horn grabbing, somersaulting on to the bulls back and riding it into the arena (cheered by both the locals and tourists alike) may be a bit of a pipe dream. Apparently harassing or touching the beasts is frowned upon.
Some top tips for an enjoyable near death experience:
- To admit anyone under the age of 18 into the course as minors are t
otally prohibited from running or participating.
- To go over the police barriers which the authorities see fit to erect.
- To place oneself in the zones and areas of the itinerary which are expressly indicated by the agents of the authorities.
- To hide oneself before the release of the bulls in corners, dead angles or doorways of houses or establishments located throughout the length of the course.
- To leave open the doors of the houses along the course, the owners or tenants of the said property being responsible for this.
- To enter into the route in a state of drunkenness, under the effects of drugs or in any inappropriate state.
- To carry objects which may impede the correct running of the Bull Run.
- To wear clothes or shoes which are not appropriate for the run.
- Call the animals or distract them in any way and for whatever reason in the course or during the rounding up in the Bull Ring.
- To stop in the Bull Run or station oneself on the walls or barriers or in the doorways in such a way as to impede the run or the defence of the runners.
- To grab onto, harass or mistreat the animals or obstruct their exit enclosure by any action during the amateur bullfight.
- To take photographs from the streets, walls or barriers without due authorisation.
- Any other action which may impede the normal running of the Bull Run.
Source - www.spanish-fiestas.comOn the Americano site find the Pamplona link. This will reveal a small map of the village pf Pamplona with key locations plotted for you.
Read more at www.americanothemovie.c...
Whilst researching, I found this clip. Awesome...
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